Tuesday 17 March 2020

Storyboard Colour

My process for colouring was very similar to my greyscale process in which I would place a flat colour under the line work and use a layer with a clipping mask to colour within the line work without going outside of it

Beneath both the flat colour layer and line work I would colour in the background 

when doing the colouring I would us the eyedropper tool to sample between colours with a square brush

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Storyboard Thumbnails

For my sequence I decided to do a sparring session between Ryu and Ken (Street Fighter) I started off by roughly sketching out my thumbnails on paper 

I then roughly redrew the frames in photoshop using these for my under-sketches 

Using my second frame as an example, I made a copy of the initial sketch and refined it. Adjusting various parts of the drawing as I go  
To begin my process of adding value I use a square brush to loosely lay grey under the sketch.